
Following Ergonomics means using the body in a biomechanically correct way which avoids Stress and Strain on Spine, Knee, Back, Neck & different body parts. It is the correct way to Sit, Stand, Work, Sleep, Drive, Exercise, doing daily activities like Lifting, Pushing etc. It thus represents the Life Style Modification.

When we purchase a new Car or Mobile, we get an Instruction Manual for the same. Unfortunately human body is not born with its “Instruction Manual”, so we keep on using the body haphazardly & suffer from many aches & pains. ERGONOMICS teaches the ideal way of using parts of body by following the biomechanics of the joint. So Physiotherapists are the practical manual guide for you Postural advice for sleeping, standing, sitting, getting up from bed, correctly use the gadgets, cycle, workstation design and many other activities of daily life for patients as well as healthy individuals is given by us.

THE ERGONOMICS WORKSHOP by PHYSIOVEDIC is like an “Instruction Manual for the human body”.