Knee Care

Your knees are the golden assets of your body to keep you moving !!

Preserve your knees for a better life ahead !!

This is the most common joint of the body that leads to wear and tear due to Arthritis, Tendinitis, Bursitis, ACL ( Anterior Cruciate Ligament) injury, Fractures or other Traumatic injuries, Genu Valgum, Genu Varum and so on.

The Physiovedic treatment approach cures most of all through the following.

Pain management via US (Ultra Sound therapy), SWD (Short Wave Diathermy).

Specialised exercise protocols following Post Operative and Post Traumatic Stiffness, ACL rehab protocols with neuromuscular propioceptive training.

We assure you early mobility and stability following TKR (Total Knee Replacement) through our exercise programme.

More than 100 TKR patients successfully treated by us that is they are ambulatory with free ROM (Range of Motion).

Ayurvedic treatment which will act as boon to your pain is Janu basti, Abhyang and Swedan.

Janu Vasti is combined with effective Abhyang (massage with herbal oils), Vasti (medicated enemas) and disease modifying Ayurvedic drugs.

Janu means knee and Vasti means Hold that is it holds the knee in position by pain relieving oil pooling regime.