Neuro Rehabilitation

Neuro Rehabilitation is a supervised medical program which aims to aid recovery from a nervous system injury and to minimise and/or compensate for any functional alterations resulting from it. It is a network which provides skilled physical therapy for disorders such as Stroke, Guillain Barre Syndrome, Parkinsons disease, Bell Palsy, Ataxia, and so on…..

PHYSIOVEDIC treatment approach will treat in the following ways:

The Physiotherapy treatment approach includes therapeutic exercises, balance activities, transfer techniques, use of assistive devices such as wheel chair and cane, gait training.

Neurological reeducation includes facilitatory and inhibitory techniques like fast and slow stroking, PNF pattern, antispastic positions, splint and bracing, cryotherapy, compensatory strategies, modified constraint induced movement therapy, swallowing techniques, mirror therapy, electrical stimulation.

Also we provide VESTIBULAR REHABILITATION for Vertigo and balance disorder. After performing diagnostic tests and evaluation of the same we have vestibular ball exercises, Brand-hoff exercises and repositiong manoeuvre.

Ayurvedic treatment includes Abhyang, Sweden, Basti, Shirodhara, Patrapind Swed.This are the different forms of ayurvedic treatment which will be given according to assessment of the patientWe are always with you from care to cure !!