Paediatric Care

“Health is wealth” and to ensure child’s health is very important as it is building up of his immunity.
Paediatric physiotherapist treat from 1 day old babies to adolescents to gain optimal physical function and development of the child.

For children it is important that they feel comfortable and reassured by the surroundings during the treatment. We have a colourful paediatric department with joyous and charming doctor – the most important thing. The doctor himself is so much fond of kids that your child will never come to know when his treatment session got over ; as easy and as smooth as possible.

Variety of conditions are treated like Cerebral palsy, ( premature babies, delayed developmental babies), Downs Syndrome, Erbs palsy, Muscular dystrophy and the list goes on.

The PHYSIOVEDIC treatment is as under :

Physiotherapy: Joint approximation, Sensory integration, Bobath Approach, Parents advice regarding handling, exercises on props like balls, bolster, wedges, small staircase, parallel bar, certain games as therapy are there to involve active participation of the child.

Ayurvedic treatment includes Abhyang, Sweden and Swarna pradhan
This are Ayurvedic tradition of Immunization for overall development of children which will promote physical as well as mental well being and hence gives a healthy life to your child.