Imagine a day when you cannot use one of your hands due to pain !?! Troublesome right !!

Shoulder joint is the most mobile but the unstable joint of the body because the ball is actually larger than the socket.

Hence, it can lead to impingement syndrome, Pain due to compressed nerves, Rotator Cuff Tears, Fractures, Frozen Shoulder, Brachial Plexus Injury, Tennis Elbow, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and so on.

We have solution for all your problems through PHYSIOVEDIC treatments.

Physiotherapy treatment consists of electro therapeutic modalities for pain, closed and open chain exercises, concentric and eccentric exercises, use of therabands, dumbells and weight cuffs.

Ayurvedic treatment consists of Abhyang and Sweden. It is a process of making the body physically strong and healthy specially the muscles. Sweden is steam or fomentation which is done in a steam chamber. Patient will feel light because of liquifying toxins from the body under strict septic conditions !!