The spine has the most tender structures present of all the body parts.

Spine care includes all the problems of Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar and Sacral region;

Whether you are suffering from Disc Bulge, Stiffness, Restricted Motion, Chronic Pain, Spondylolysis, Spondylolisthesis, Spondylitis, Spondylosis or structural problems such  as  Kyphosis, Scoliosis; we have a solution to all your spinal aches !!!

A PHYSIOVEDIC treatment approach will be followed after a detail assessment of the patient.

Pain management with different electrotherapeutic modalities like lFT (lnterferential therapy),  US (Ultra Sound), LASER,  Manipulation and Mobilisation, Soft tissue Mobilisation like  MFR (Myofascial Release), MET (Muscle Energy Technique), lC (lschemic Compression), Strain Counter Strain Techniques or (PRT) Positional Release Therapy,  Cracker Therapy. 

Exercise programme: Core stabilisation and Pelvic Floor strengthening, McKenzie approach for low back pain.                                                                                   .

Ayurvedic protocol is as follows: Specialised therapeutic oils and herbs are used for Abhyang, Sweden and Vasti. Vasti ispouring of warm herbal oil over the spine area for the pain management and retained inside a well which is created with black gram or wheat flour.