Sports Rehabilitation

Sports injury rehabilitation treats a range of condition including acute sports injuries, sprains, strains,dysfunction and post surgery stiffness. Even preseason athletic evaluation is done by us to identify potential risk for injuries that occur during the play and to prevent it. By knowing the Biomechanics & Sports Physiology involved in various sports, our Sports Physiotherapists designs individualized exercise programs; taking care of the specific needs of patients.

After injury we provide a proper rehabilitative training for when to return to play. Lack Of Sports Rehabilitation increases the risk of repeated injuries.

PHYSIOTHERAY treatment will take place as follows: RICE protocol, taping, plyometric exercises, coordination & propioception exercise, agility training is given to an athlete on an individual basis.

In Ayurvedic treatment Sports related Abhyang and Sweden will be done. This rejuvenated the tired nerves and muscles of the body. it is the most nourishing practices that have been mentioned in the Ayurvedic scriptures.